Making it in Textiles 2015 conference.
After the success of last years inaugural event, Richard Humphries will again be speaking at the Making it in Textiles conference 2015.
Organised by the Clothworkers’ Company, the Worshipful Company of Weavers and the Campaign for Wool, 130 final year textile students and tutors have been specially invited to attend a series of inspiring talks from industry insiders. The free to attend conference is arranged to forge stronger links between education and the UK textile manufacturing industry.
However, there are also a limited number of chargeable tickets available for Industry Professionals; please click here to purchase.
Opening and closing remarks. Cheryl Kindness, former Design and Development Director, Camira
Speaker 1. Kirsty McDougall, Co-founder, Dashing Tweeds: ‘Starting up’
Speaker 2. Beryl Gibson, Textile Consultant: ‘Colour in Textiles’
Speaker 3. Stephen Sheard, former MD and founder of Rowan Yarns: ‘The importance of yarn’
Speaker 4. Richard Humphries, Director, Humphries Weaving: ‘Jacquard silk weaving for the luxury markets of the world’
Speaker 5. Gary Eastwood, Managing Director, Pennine Weavers: ‘Modern weaving technology’
Speaker 6. Paul Johnson, Managing Director, W.T. Johnson & Sons: ‘Finishing the cloth’
Keynote address. Patrick Grant, Creative Director, Norton & Sons of Savile Row and TV’s British Sewing Bee judge.