As a woven textiles design & manufacturer weaving in the heart of Suffolk we are proud to play a part of British Textile Week 2020.

On the 9th of September the United Kingdom Fashion & Textile Association, (UKFT,) launched British Textile Week. This provided a digital showcase of the craftsmanship, creativity and technical skills of a wide variety of different companies within the UK textile industry.

“UK fabrics are highly sought after by the world’s most prestigious designers, tailors and fashion brands as the starting point for their collections, while our homegrown flair for printed, woven, knitted and embroidered textile design blends creativity with commerciality.”

British Textile Week - UKFT - couture mood board

Couture fabrics mood board

Co-ordinated by the UKFT & with the generous support of The Clothworkers’ Company and the Campaign for Wool, the event was launched by HRH The Princess Royal. During the week the UKFT featured stories of some of the British textile companies that would normally be at international apparel fabric trade shows during the month of September, as well as putting the spotlight on some of the pioneers and leaders in our field. As well as our company profile, Humphries Weaving was also featured on the couture fabrics mood board, showcasing the finest designer fabrics, creative wool’s and sumptuous silks through to exquisite embroidery.

The event features a series of online articles, images, interviews, case studies, videos, seasonal trends and more. You can also follow #BritishTextileWeek on Instagram & Twitter for more content from the companies involved.

British Textile Week - UKFT

Other local companies included in the event were Stephen Walters & David Walters.

It was great to see so many amazing companies working on our door-step in the UK and to be inspired by their stories and collections. Although many upcoming events are moving to virtual platforms, we are now pleased to begin meeting clients in person both at our own showroom & on site visits. If you have a project in mind & would like to discuss this with a member of our team click here.
